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Kanan Road as an evacuation route for the city of malibu

Malibu Evacuation Plan PRISMM

On September 6, 2020, in an effort to avoid the traffic issues experienced during the Woolsey Fire, the City of Malibu finalized their evacuation plan. See article making announcement here:

 Residents of "Zone 13" are directed to travel north up the 'KANAN ROAD FIRE CORRIDOR" on Kanan Road to reach the safety of the 101 Freeway in the event OF CATASROPHIC FIRE. More information is available on the City of Malibu's website. 


City of Maliby Evacuation Zones 09-10-20

Clearly the evacuating residents of the City of Malibu, the 5000 residents of unincorporated Agoura/Cornell and anyone who might have the misfortune of being on Kanan Road when the next wildfire strikes (Kanan is used by 40,000 commuters per day and 

2 million visitors to the Santa Monica Mountain National Recreation Area per year) should be concerned about traffic flow through the intersection of Kanan and Agoura Roads during evacuation. The intersection lies at the mouth of this single evacuation route out of this section of the Santa Monica Mountains and must be crossed in order to reach the entrance of the 101 Freeway. 

City of Malibu Evacuation Corridors by Z
5 x 7 MapInfographic.jpg


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